Kid Con 25

Toy Story!

Calling all South Dakota Kids! We want YOU to join us for a fun-filled, memory-making 24 hours of fun at KidCon25!

This event will bring together kids from churches all across South Dakota to pursue God, make friendships, and no matter how crazy this world gets, our powerful, loving God is with us and has a plan for our life! This will be a weekend to remember. You won't want to miss it!

Location: First Assembly of God, Aberdeen, SD

Special Guest: Kayla Maedche!

Registration opens at 4pm. Supper served at 5pm. First session at 6pm. Event will be done on Saturday at 3:00pm.

Early Bird Registration Deadline: January 20th, at 11:30pm; $15/person late fee after this date.

Early Bird: 
$55/student; $30/leader
Lodging at the church: $10/person (On the floor at the churches. Bring sleeping bags. Girls will be sleeping at Aberdeen First; boys will be at Aberdeen Freedom church on the other side of town).

Cost includes registration, Fri supper, Sat Lunch and an event t-shirt*. Breakfast 
included for those lodging at the church.

Add-on Activity: Allevity Fun Center - arcade, laser tag, bumper cars, and more all included for one price. (optional add-on)

Snow Date: Should weather cause us to cancel the event, we will make the decision by the end of the day Tuesday the week of KidCon based on forecasts. If the event is cancelled, it will be postponed to our snow date: February 28th-March 1st. Please mark off this date on your calendar in case we need to use the snow date.

Cancellations after January 24th incur a $25/per person non-refundable fee.

*Event t-shirt availability and sizes are only guaranteed if registered by January 20th.

FAF 2025

Questions? Contact your Youth Pastor or District Fine Arts Coordinators: Krystle Tufte & Kym Brant at or on social media: @605FAF


Sd NextGen verbiage

  • 605Fam = SD NextGen churches/ministers/laypeople

    605Fam Voices = blog submissions written by NextGen leaders

    A/G = Assemblies of God

    AIM = Missions Trips - Ambassadors In Mission

    BGMC = Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge

    Camp605 = Summer Bible Camp (in June)

    DYD = District Youth Director

    East River = all towns east of the Missouri River

    FAF = Fine Arts Festival (in the spring)

    JBQ = Junior Bible Quiz

    KidCon = Kids Conference (in February)

    KP = Kids Pastor

    MKs = Missionary's Kids

    Momentum = main Youth & Kids Pastors/Leaders + spouses Retreat (January) 

    NYC = National Youth Conference (includes National Fine Arts Festival & Basketball tournament)

    NGW = NextGen Weekly, this newsletter

    PKs = Pastor's Kids

    RC = Rapid City

    SD1Day = BGMC Big Giving Last Sunday of Year

    SD1Night = STL Big Giving Last Wednesday of Year

    SDAG = South Dakota Assemblies of God district

    SF = Sioux Falls

    STL = Speed the Light

    TBQ = Teen Bible Quiz

    Teen Camp 1 = church can bring middle and high schoolers, or just one type, to these weeks of camp

    West River = all towns west of the Missouri River

    Youth Camps = all camp weeks for teenagers

    YC = Youth Conference (in the fall)

    YP = Youth Pastor