Dates:  September 6-7, 2019      

Location: New Life Church in Pierre, SD

To Register, Click Here


Early Bird - $60 - By Aug 2nd

August Price - $70 - By September 5th

Pheasant Hunt - $255 - By August 30th

 ** Registration price is transferable but not refundable. **

For a day and a half, join men from around South Dakota as we have a blast through various activities like SWAT RAID, BOW & ARROWS, PHEASANT HUNTING, MAN MOVIES, PIZZA & WINGS! Most importantly, join other men as we ENGAGE GOD and become the MEN HE CREATED US TO BE! 

Points of Interest:

-Experience powerful services made for men with our guest speaker Cody Cochran

-Receive a man-sized swag bag at check-in

-Swat Raid (make a team, go in like a swat team and get the bad guys!)

-Matthews Bows (do some target practice or challenge a friend best shot)

-Pizza & Wings & Movie (Friday night, challenge each other in games or watch a man movie) 

Pheasant Hunt Info:

Join us in a gentlemen's hunt at a local Pheasant Preserve! You will have a chance to win various prizes and even a new shotgun! The hunt will be Friday, September 6th at 9am. (separate ticket purchase required) 

Cody Cochran

Cody Cochran is a fun-loving, passionate, and free-spirited husband, dad, friend and follower of Jesus. He is a rural guy with a heart for rural America, which he expresses in his down-to-earth and practical approach to life and ministry. Cody has pastored Bethel Assembly of Anson for more than 18 years. Through his leadership, Bethel Assembly has pursued a vision of multiplication, planting two new churches in nearby rural towns.


Check out this promo video of what we have planned for the Men's Ministry Retreat!

Download the promotional materials here to share with your men!


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (all times posted in Central Time)

September 6, 2019

9:00am Check-in for Pheasant Hunt (for those who registered separately for hunt)

4:00pm  Check-in 

4-6:00pm Activities / Games Open

6:30pm Service w/ Cody Cochran

8:00pm Activities / Games Open / Pizza & Wings / Man Movie 

September 7, 2019

10-10:30am Activities / Games Open

10:30am Service w/ Cody Cochran

12noon Dismiss


New Life Church

pierre, sd